Botanical trip to Kyrgyzstan 2025
Mail us to get information (without any obligation) about joining in 2026:
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As unpayed volunteers for an organisation to promote community bases tourism, in 2025 we go on a botanical trip to virtually unexplored Kyrgyzstan (Kirgizia), a former Soviet republic in Central Asia. It is going to be an exhilarating trip to this magnificent country, half the size of Germany but with more plantspecies than in the whole of Europe!
Only a limited amount of travelers can join the group and out of experience we know that there is a lot of interest but only a few can come. Therefore we suggest that you join quickly. Booking is possible as of today.
The trip will be led by plantspecialists Meerim and Brian Kabbes. They will help you with the booking from the travel organization in Kyrgyzstan, who will be organizing this tour.
You will find on this page. Also you will find a short photo impression by Eric Spruit who joined earlier.
A bigger photo impression you can find HERE.
More photos you can find at this Facebook link.
For booking information or other information you can contact us on or via phone 0031 512372521. If you phone from the Netherlands 0512 372521.
© Kwekerij Kabbes 2025